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To find your way around the environment, you need certain know-how but also requirements for the client device so that you can connect at all.

📚 Know-How

topic requirement
Git Knows the most important Git commands
GPG signed commits are enforced
GitHub Knows the most important GitHub functions:
- GitHub Issues
- GitHub Pull Requests
- GitHub Workflows
- GitHub Releases
- GitHub Repositories
Docker The application is dockerized and stateless
Knows the most important docker commands
Kubernetes Knows the concept of Kubernetes
Knows the most important kubectl commands

Setup pre-commit

We use pre-commit to make several checks to identifying some issues on every commit.

  1. install the pre-commit binary

  2. Setup pre-commit for this repository:

// go to the root of the cloned git repository
$ cd mea4_01_habits
$ pre-commit install
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit

Technical requirements

The following programs must be installed on your system:

  • Java 17
  • Maven
  • Node version >= 16
  • yarn
  • Docker